Circuit Breakers

First of all when a circuit breaker trips repeatedly, it is usually because of a problem in the wiring, such as a short-circuit or ground fault problem. It could also because the circuit has overloaded for the amperage rating it carries. While from time to time, a circuit breaker may simply wear out and get weak or fail entirely. Sometimes this happens because a circuit problem has caused it to trip too often, wearing out the internal switch linkage.

Furthermore, breaker failure may occur if you have used the breaker switch to turn the power on and off too many times. Therefore we recommend to avoid this type of use. Electricians use the circuit breaker switches only to turn off the power when servicing the electrical equipment on that circuit, not to routinely shut off lights or outlets. These mechanical devices will fail due to wear over time, so limit the amount of times that you do turn them off and on.

Circuit breaker replacement my seem like an easy DIY project, rather it’s not as easy as it may seem. First of all choosing the right breaker for the type of panel is the most important step. Just because a breaker fits does not mean that it’s listed for use in that panel. Furthermore after investigation The City of Palo Alto found that a good many fires in the city started by improper breaker lug torquing. Consequently inspectors started carrying torque wrenches in the field and required a visual inspection of all connections being torqued. Hence failure to follow this simple step led to so many disasters. We at Positively electrical carry these sensitive tools and always follow the latest code and safety procedures.